Speed River Trail: Bridge View
CategoriesDart The BeagadorHiking TrailsLocal Adventures

Speed River Trail Hike in Guelph

Speed River Trail offers fantastic scenery and lots of trail space that is right by the river. Right across from Crane Park – we were recently shown this area by a friend of ours. It is a great way to see local wildlife and the beauty of nature right in the city. I tend to leave Dart off-leash as much as possible but always keep my eye out to make sure we’re mindful of other hikers and trail users (leashing when necessary, etc). On our most recent hike there Dart, practiced his balancing act – doing his best squirrel impression!

Dart climbing trees at Speed River Trail

Dart exploring Speed River Trail

He doesn’t usually like to get wet but tends to get right into the shallow ends the entire walk here. Other times he usually stays more inland and follows his good friend Fielder – who is just a slightly older and bigger version of Dart.

See if you can spot the difference between the two of them:

Dart leading Feilder: Speed River Trail

Fielder leading Dart: Speed River Trail

The Scenery

We took just a small sample of photos walking along. There are plenty of wooden crossings, streams, and paths along the way:

  • Speed River Trail: Bridge View

That is just a small sample of the scenery. Will update the slideshow as we add more to the collection!

As an extra bonus: for anyone looking to venture a bit inwards on the trail (away from the river) you may uncover some wooden facilities along the way. I’ll leave it up to you to find where.

Speed River Trail: Hidden Structures

Lastly – I’d highly recommend taking a breather and finding a good spot in order to enjoy the surroundings. There is a fantastic view featuring a bench that overlooks the other side of the river, Crane Park, where you will most likely encounter other dog owners taking their furry friends for a leash-free walk.

Speed River Trail Bench

Location & Route

Google Maps for anyone looking to start at Niska Rd and make their way up to the Hanlon:

Here is the path taken for anyone looking to do the ~7KM trek:

Speed River Trail 7KM Hike Map

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